Knowingly or unknowingly, you have stumbled upon one of those "sites that serves no real purpose except as a window into the lives of a great bunch of people"- but thats no reason to say anything else but "Hey there and welcome!"
going into the boring detail, Egang started in SEP95 when a couple of us
realised that this thing called email was getting good and was a perfect
way to transfer the gossy details of our social events (and we made sure
we had a few!). As we all grew up and little lunch was a fond memory, we
started having girlfriends, boyfriends which turned into wives, husbands
and partners, and next thing we knew, our drinking time and excuses for
zany social interactions were being reduced by other grown up responsibilites.
Now there are even 1 and 2 year old birthday parties - not to mention all
the engagements, weddings and christenings in between.
EGANG was born, basically a mailing list of our extended mates. A direct
result was a weekly email made up of contributions from all and any members
which was edited by moi and then circulated each Friday to the whole Egang.
This soon became less of a joy and more of a chore - so the concept of
a rotating Editor of the Week was born and followed shortly thereafter
by the weekly rag being known as " DAZE of our Elives" or affectionately
known as DAZE. (there is a long story in here - ask Harves!)
Now with our own domain, - and this embrio Web site, we have a monthly newsletter, full of babies, boys, girls and laughs - we have yet to have a romance ignited by DAZE (or is there something I am missing?)
The whole thing is being hosted by a community based non-profit Internet Service Provider in Sydney, Suburbia. Suburbia is run by a cool bunch of guys and operate entirely on donations - so for more info, or more to the point, send a donation to Thank Suburbia. (and NO I am not crawling - I think it is an organisation worth supporting)
Enjoy - and again, welcome to Egang ...